2019 Who’s Your Div@ winner, Briannah Letter, and fellow Div@ contestants show some R-E-S-P-E-C-T to the Queen of Soul.
Board & Staff
Charlie Vice – Board President
John Clough – Vice President
Kristen Miller – Secretary
Shelly Wright – Treasurer
Alan Davis – Member
Lena Simmons – Member
Wendy Byrnes – Member
Sara Radke Brown – Executive Director
Interested in becoming a board member? Call 907-586-2742 or email director@juneauopera.org
Mission & History
Juneau Lyric Opera is a non-profit arts organization. Our mission is to foster the love of live vocal music by providing quality, diverse, and educational singing, theatrical, and choral opportunities for our community.
In 1975 three local women – Kim Hutchison, Gloria Barclay, and Karen Hansen – were studying voice at the University of Alaska with Leon Lishner. They decided it was time to put their training to use and searched for an opera that had roles for the three of them. That opera was Die Fledermaus, and Juneau Lyric Opera was born.
Since that time, JLO has steadily grown from one stage production a year to include choral works, recitals, workshops, interactive events and much more. Hundreds of singers, actors, dancers, producers, directors, and stage technicians have joined together to present transformative arts experiences for our community.
JLO Values:
- Providing cultural enrichment through engagement as participants and audience members in quality, creative musical art opportunities for our community.
- Inclusivity and providing equitable musical arts opportunities for our community.
- Diversity in programming via multiple genres including Opera, Musical Theatre, Choir, and other vocal genres.
- Promoting vocal arts as a sound investment in our community.